What is 26 factorial ?

Steps to calculate factorial of 26

To find 26 factorial, or 26!, simply use the formula that multiplies the number 26 by all positive whole numbers less than it.

Let’s look at how to calculate the Factorial of 26:

26! is exactly :
Factorial of 26 can be calculated as:
26! = 26 x 25 x 24 x 23 x 22 x 21 x 20 x 19 x 18 x 17 x 16 x 15 x 14 x 13 x 12 x 11 x 10 x 9 x 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1

Factorials of Numbers similar to 26

What is Factorial?

In mathematics, a factorial is the product of all positive integers up to a certain number, symbolically represented by an exclamation point following the number. The factorial of 26, denoted as 26!, involves multiplying 26 by all the positive integers less than it down to 1. Understanding the factorial of 26 is significant in mathematics as it relates to a variety of fields such as combinatorics, where it can denote the number of possible permutations of a 26-element set. This has practical applications in areas like cryptography, where the strength of a 26-letter code could be assessed by considering the number of possible combinations, which is exactly 26!.

Formula to Calculate the Factorial of [Number]

To calculate the factorial of a number such as 26, we utilize the basic mathematical formula: n! = n × (n-1) × … × 3 × 2 × 1. Applying this formula to 26, the calculation would start by multiplying 26 with every number less than 26 down to 1. Although the resulting number is quite large, the process remains straightforward. For a comprehensive example:

  • 26! = 26 × 25 × 24 × … × 3 × 2 × 1
  • Begin with the largest number, 26, and multiply it by the next smallest, 25, and continue this process until reaching 1.

What is the Factorial of [Number] Used For?

The factorial function, particularly the factorial of 26, has intriguing applications across various domains. In combinatorics, 26! is the number of possible orders for 26 distinct items. In probability theory, factorials determine combinations and permutations, which help in calculating the likelihood of various outcomes. For instance, the sequencing of the 26 letters in the English alphabet can be calculated using factorials, which is particularly relevant in the field of cryptography for creating complex encryption codes.


Test your understanding of factorials with these exercises:

  • Exercise 1: Calculate the last two digits of 26!.
  • Exercise 2: If there are 26 teams in a league, in how many ways can a first, second, and third place be awarded?
  • Exercise 3: Assuming a 26-character password, using each character only once, how many possible passwords can you make?

Solutions to Exercises

Here are the solutions to the exercises:

  • Solution to Exercise 1: The last two digits of 26! are “00” because the factorial includes the term 10, which introduces a trailing zero, and any subsequent multiplication by an even number will add another zero.
  • Solution to Exercise 2: The number of ways three teams can win first, second, and third places from 26 teams can be calculated as 26P3 = 26! / (26-3)! = 15,600 ways.
  • Solution to Exercise 3: The number of possible 26-character passwords is 26!, because each character can only be used once, leading to a permutation problem.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is the factorial of 26 easy to compute manually?

A: No, the factorial of 26 is a very large number, and it is not practical to compute it manually. It’s better to use a calculator or computer software.

Q: Can the factorial of 26 have any practical applications?

A: Yes, the factorial of 26 can be used in fields like cryptography, combinatorics, and probability theory to solve problems related to permutation and combination.

Other conversions of the number 26